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发布时间:2023-08-06 18:13:43源自:http://www.yxinns.com作者:QQ签名阅读(197)

1、I am ordinary yet unique. 我很平凡,但我独一无二。

2、Even if the future situat I will always be at your. 即使未来风云万变,我始终会在你身边。

3、Don't fall in the past, not to waste the distance. 不堕于过往,不荒废远方。

4、We love others too early, self love too late 我们爱别人太早,爱自己太迟

5、All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on. 生活的艺术在于:好好把握,每一次的放手与坚持。

6、With the most true of yourself,can you meet the most suitable one. 用最真实的自己,才能遇见最合适的那个人。

7、After you left, I still stand in situ, silly fantasy you will come back. 你走后,我还站在原地,傻傻的幻想你还会回来。

8、The ones that love us never really leave us, and you can always find them in..here. 【vs】 那些爱我们的人其实从未离去,你可以在你的心里找到他们。

9、There is no shortcut for love, and it needs to be managed by heart. 爱,没有捷径,需要用心经营。

10、Waiting for your concern, until I shut the Heart

11、It has better to misses to meet 相见不如怀念

12、One who want to wear the crown. Bear the crown.欲戴王冠,必承其重

13、We all have moments of desperation、 But if we can face them head on, that's when we find out just how strong we really are、 我们都有绝望的时候,只有在勇敢面对时,我们才知道我们有多坚强。

14、People will be sad The heart will die 人会难过 心会死

15、Accompanies you to the world end. 陪你到世界的终结。

16、Believe in yourself. 相信你自己!

17、妙语连珠是猎物,支支吾吾是喜欢。Witty repartee is the game. Prevarication is the game

18、When I was a child, was buried the

19、孤独的人有他们自己的沼泽(Lonely people have their own marshes. )

20、I always say yes and mean no that you think that I was strong. 我总是口是心非以至于你认为我很坚强。

21、Nothing can be more beauitful than the smile free from tears!

22、An birds do not know the sea 囚鸟不知海。

23、A we missed the time, France. 时间一点点被我们错过,擦肩而过。

24、I'm sorry I didn't make you special.很抱歉没能成为你的特别

25、ʏᴏᴜ sᴛᴀɴᴅ ʙʏᴛʜᴇ ғᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴡᴀɪᴛ ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴇʏᴇs ʙᴇᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴘᴏᴇᴍ


26、Love is not the final winner (爱情 没有最终的胜利者)

27、Memory is the hourglass of time, slowly become memories of old. 回忆是时间的沙漏,回忆慢慢变的苍老。

28、I do not follow, I live is always all you want.我不会遵循,我过的生活从来都是自己想要的。

29、There is no beginning, no end to the future. 过去没有起点 未来没有终点。

30、A hedge between keeps friendship green

31、A kiss begins a drop of tears. 一个吻开始 一滴泪结束。

32、Girl do not lose loving you . 姑娘别拼命给爱。

33、Occasionally also want to use the tears to admit that I was not so strong. 偶尔也想用眼泪承认一下我没那么坚强。

34、I wish nothing but the best for you,too.【我除了想给你最真挚的祝福之外别无他求】

35、You will shine but hurt my heart. 你会发光却刺痛了我的心。


36、Some people, need deep and eternal remember. And some people, and need to work hard to forget. 有些人,需要刻骨铭心的记住。而有些人,需要努力的忘记。

37、Whatever your past has been, you have a spotless future. ——无论过去如何,未来总是崭新的。

38、A person to survive all the sad, when you want it, time will give you. 一个人努力挺过所有心酸难过,之后你想要的,岁月它都会给你。

39、Who never had a scar of youth

40、I hate lonely but have

41、give you wha

42、He just looked at you, but you have a movie in mind他只是看了你一眼,你却在心里演了场电影。

43、Lashes and diamonds ATM machines(精致的妆容 闪亮的钻石 在取款机前耀眼无比)

44、A person, be good to yourself; Two person, treat each other. 一个人时,善待自己;两个人时,善待对方。

45、Always welcome a new day with a smile. 总是用微笑去迎接新的一天。

46、Don't tell me false, I am lazy perfunctory别跟我虚伪, 我懒得敷衍。

47、Warm is too deep but company is too short. 温暖太深,陪伴太短。

48、Can you keep your heart clean and just one for me.你可以把心腾干净只装我一人吗

49、Wish you be here. 希望你在这里。

50、Don't let careless words hurt people. 别让无心话伤了有心人。

51、The happiness you gave me before has been there for me when I am sad.以前你给过的快乐,现在都陪着我难

52、Victory belongs to the most persevering.坚

53、Until I finished my childish, I will not make you embarrassed. 待我幼稚完,便不在让你为难。

54、The youth, the scenery along the way again also is just a paper elegance.青春,沿途再美的风景也只不过是一纸风华。

55、At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet. 每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人。

56、Wish you a happy new year and a good fortune in the coming year when we will share our happiness, think of our good friends, andour dreams come true!

57、The more deeply love, the more hurt. 越是深爱,越被伤害。

58、I can't stop the wind, I can't hold the whole sky. 我拦不住要走的风,也抱不住整片天空。

59、Your misfortune is a retribution for your wasted time. 你所遭遇的不幸 是你荒废时间的报应

60、We had never been friends, I now know that you lied to me all the time .... 原来我们从来不是朋友,我现在才知道,你无时无刻不在骗我

61、What the fuck have you done lately?

62、If we fell in love again I swear I'd love you right

63、You are such a person is to take the time to gamble and lose in a complete mess. 你等一个人就是拿时间去赌然后输得一塌糊涂。

64、If life only such as first, then timesong will prosperous some. 若人生只如初见,那么似水流年会不会繁华一些。

65、最后说我爱你 是我所能做的唯一 Finally say I love you, yes I can do only

66、No one and you. 无人及你

67、Could have been alone, but love was in the way. 本可一人独逍遥,偏偏爱情挡了道。

68、Force a smile is now I have not had a chance to take off the mask. 强颜欢笑现已是我没有机会摘掉的面具。

69、Do not keep anything for a special occasion, because every day that you live is a SPECIAL OCCASION 不要将你的东西为了某一个特别的时刻而预留着,因为你生活的每一天都是那么特别。

70、No ticket what keep your beloved horse (没有票子拿什么留住你心 )

71、Love is not a matter of counting the days. It's making the days count. 爱情不是数着日子过去,它让每个日子都变得有意义

72、You can cry, [你可以哭,] But you can not lose. [但不能输.]

73、You ruined my desire is to love you may. 你毁掉的是我渴望继续

74、To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield. 去奋斗,去追求,去发现,但不要放弃。

75、Your smile like sunshine, you smell like wind, your warmth like hot Latte. 你的微笑像阳光,你闻起来就像风,你的温暖像热拿铁。

76、Delay is the deadliest form of denial. ( 拖延其实就是最彻底的拒绝)

77、Everything about you is wonderful. To know you is a pity from heaven. 你的一切都是妙不可言,与你相识是上天垂怜。

78、let`s face it. (面对现实)

79、No expectations, no disappointments. 没有期望,就不会失望。

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